Monday 23 September 2013

Wooly Moss Roots

This is a post dedicated to one of my favourite bloggers.
Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots is a big inspiration to me. Every post has beautiful pictures and heart felt words.


I've been following her blog for about a year and she is also one of my main inspirations for living sustainably with a low-impact on nature. She has taught me to just follow my heart and not worry about what people think, life isn't always easy but it will sort itself in the end.

Taryn and her husban Jeff run two etsy shops: MysticOrb and WoolyMossRoots.
Mystic Orb sells beautiful jewellery made by Jeff from reclaimed wood whilst Wooly Moss Roots sells herbal remedies, lovely hand made buttons also made from reclaimed wood and the odd wooly creation made by Taryn.

Her little boy, Bracken, is probably the cutest thing ever too!

It is a blog you should check out.

Plus she is currently running a prize draw to win some of her gorgeous hand made buttons. You can find it here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Laura, thank you so much for your kind words! What a lovely surprise to wake up to. I'm so grateful that you read my blog and that it has meant so much to you. We really appreciate you linking to us and spreading the word about the giveaway. Now I'm going to reply to your e-mail. :) Love, Taryn


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