Wednesday 12 February 2014

Yarn along

Sharing what I am reading and knitting at the moment with Ginny from the small things.

It has taken me nearly a month to get these socks knitted! My my, but I did make decent progress since yesterday. I knitted the gusset and started work on the final length of the sock (the bit what holds your foot? Not sure what it's called)

At the moment I am reading the spring issue of landscape. As much as I love the magazine. It has me waiting for spring even more now. It has some great pictures of the obligatory baby animals and daffodils, some great desserty custardy recipes. Baked custard slices if definitely one I shall try. And also a super cute pattern for knitted lambs I shall have a go at once I have finished my socks. 

Another thing I took five minutes out to do was jazz up some hair ties. As a child of the 90s scrunchies were the thing, but they are impossible to find now! So I saw some really cute fuzzy ones on Pinterest but they were from Japan and it would have cost me a fortune to make, I saw a tutorial, (I would link it but I couldn't find it again) that uses snowflake wool, wrapped around plastic cross stich canvas. 

My creative brain started buzzing and I thought "I wonder what would happen if I crocheted some of it around a hair elastic?" So the end result is this:


  1. Your socks are lovely. I won't even discuss how long I have been working (or not working) on the same pair. That magazine makes me long for spring to arrive NOW.

    1. I know, right? I am so sick of all these storms battering the UK. It's endless wind and rain and I just want a week of sunshine to dry up my garden which now resembles a bog!


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