Wednesday 11 December 2013

Yarn along and Christmas presents

This week I have been enjoying another magazine, Kitchen Garden. In my opinion I find it is the best gardening magazine, it always comes with a pack of seeds and has lots of very useful tips, even though some of them are aimed at the young at heart!

I have been knitting with my hand spun silk, which is super hard as you may know that silk itself is very slippery. 

The finished product.

I have also been busy crocheting candle holders to go in the gift boxes.

Here they are all finished.

And packaged up


  1. Are you knitting on metal needles? I've found that using wooden needles when working with slippery yarn helps a lot.

    I've never heard of that magazine but how cool that you get a packet of seeds with each issue!

    1. I was using metal needles, I did think about using wooden ones but I didn't have them in the size I wanted.

      You get some pretty cool varieties too. Sometimes the seeds that come as freebies tend to be a bit boring. But these peppers look pretty cool. I'll give them a go in March,


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