Wednesday 22 January 2014

Yarn along

Today I am joining Ginny in the yarn along and share what I am knitting and reading.

Another pair of socks. These ones are for me! Again in Noro wool. The photo doesn't do the wool justice. It's a fantastic colour way and I can't wait to finish them. 

As for what I am reading. The Complete Father Brown Mysteries by GK Chesterton. I am a total sucker for the tv series on BBC one during the day so I thought I would give the book ago, so far enjoying it!

I am looking for more sock wool suggestions too. I currently have a ball of crazy zauerball sock wool ready and waiting after this pair is complete. What's your favourite sock wool?


  1. Love the colours of your yarn! I love the Rico Superba bamboo sock yarn and have knitted many pairs with it.

    1. Wow I am loving that yarn. Comes in some great colours and very reasonable price too. Thank you susrainablemum!

  2. That yarn is amazing! I have seen so many people using always turns out beautifully. Have a great afternoon.

    1. Thanks Robbie. The noro yarn is deffinately worth the cost! It works up so beautifully.

  3. I've been very happy with the socks I've knit out of Opal. They've survived the washer and dryer (I don't baby my handknit socks) and still look great. It comes in some great patterns/colors.


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