Sunday 22 September 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Joining Taryn in this heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect and be grateful.

This week has been a bit more relaxed than the last. I managed to get some baking in so I am pretty grateful for that. Here is my attempt at making my first yeastless bread using my soda starter. It turned out pretty good, but I left it in a little too long. Still good none-the-less.

The second part in  my baking adventure what I am grateful is the complete glut of plums I have been picking. I have picked close to 8kg this week and theres still plenty left on the tree! I am incredibly grateful for Mother Nature in providing us such tasty treats.

Here is a plum cobbler I made this morning. I haven't gotten round to trying it yet.


My OH also took me out for a lovely meal today, I didn't take any pictures, I feel weird taking photos in restaurants of the food. I don't know if any you are a bit like that?

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a good harvest our plum tree hardly ever produces :(


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