Sunday 15 September 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Joining Taryn in this heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect and be grateful.

After probably the busiest weekend in history which involved driving up to Scotland (400 odd miles), staying in a hotel (don't like doing that at the best of times) visiting my Nanna and then going to a family wedding and then coming back the next day. Phewy, I am tired. So I am very grateful for seeing my family. But also my own bed.  Nothing is quite the same. 

I am looking forward to some much needed rest and some catch up time with the spinning wheel. I carded lots of rolags last night so I can crack on with that.

I also need to dig over the front garden. I will make a post about that at another time. But it is quite a mess at the moment. But I am grateful for the couple of days of rain we have had so the ground has eased up.


  1. driving to scotland... now that is cool.

  2. I love driving to Scotland but it is slow and I too would find it tiring doing it in a weekend. Hope you have a restful week to catch up!

    1. I love the drive too. The scenery is beautiful. I don't do restful too well. Always have to be doing something!


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