Sunday 29 September 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Joining Taryn in this heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect and be grateful.

Phew, it's been a busy week for me. Getting the last of the plums and tomatoes in prepped and stored away.

I ran out of jars so I resorted to stewing the plums down and putting them in freezer bags. 

I also made another batch of spiced crab apple and ginger jelly. This one had more ginger in it so has a bit more of a yummy kick. 

But here is my gratitude list:
I have been thankful this week for:
                   ... the lovely weather we have had this week although it's a little chilly.
                   ... I have finally made my yeast-less sourdough bread rise. (YAY!)
                   ... The glut of produce I have harvested.
                   ... The smell of autumn in the air
                   ... Having reduced hours at work which meant more time for baking and knitting
                   ... Spending time with family - something I haven't done in a while and I should do more
                   ... My peas sprouting
                   ... The grass seed also sprouting, almost got a front lawn! I shall write a post about that.


  1. Your tomato harvest is like mine so many green ones! It is good to preserve and harvest, something to be grateful for.

  2. I just think summer was a little late this year.


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