Monday 5 August 2013

Garden Update 5/08/13

Today the weather has been rubbish. It's been all gloomy and wet.

But luckily the plants don't mind getting soggy. All the beds are growing well, but my cabbages are attracting loads of butterflies, I must remember to go and get some netting to prevent them from laying eggs.

We have a new arrival too, a blueberry plant! We had a trip to the DIY shop and got some things to repair the shed as well as some much needed garden supplies.

Also tomatoes are coming along nicely too. Looking forward to them. I have split up my strawberry plants too. I was just jamming all the runners into the same pots. And after I counted them I had 9 plants which mean I have trebled the amount of strawberry plants.

Some more raspberries will be ready too soon!

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