Monday 19 August 2013

Garden update 19/08/2013

Today the weather great, lovely and sunny. Unusual british summer weather. But even so, the plants seem to have exploded with growth.

The brassicas are doing excellent, apart from those sneaky caterpillars munching my plants.

The nasturtiums have also started growing well. 

The radish roots are swelling now, not long to go.

Tomatoes have just started to turn red.

The plum tree is starting to look heavy.

And the potatoes are growing every day.

Also another set of chillis are on their way! See the buds

I have also picked my first blueberry, it was fantastically tasty. Made a mini fruit salad from strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Very tasty but didn't last long enough for me to take a photo.

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