Wednesday 21 August 2013

Baking time

I have been really excited lately with the start of the new series of the Great British Bake off. I love the show to death and it's a great inspiration the get new baking ideas and tips. It started last night but I didn't catch the end because I fell asleep!

Yesterday I was craving sweet treats, especially the biscuit variety, so I begin hunting for recipes. I eventually came across one of Mary Berry's one for lavender biscuits. I changed it slightly so here is my version.

It was amazingly simple and I have plenty of lavender hung up in the garage so I can make plenty more.

The recipe is as follows:

175g of butter
125g of sugar
225g of plain flour
About two table spoons of dried lavender.

The easiest way to measure the lavender is to pull the flower heads of the stalk and the measure.
The recipe says to chop the flowers up but I left them whole. Pre heat the oven to 150C.

Next step is to cream the sugar and butter and add the lavender. Then add the flour. My mixture was. Little too dry at this stage and wasn't coming together particularly well so I added a dash of milk.

Then you need to work the mixture together then roll it into a long sausage, some people may find it easier to make two smaller sausages. Roll out the sausages depending on how big you want you biscuits and then let the dough rest in the fridge to firm up for around half an hour.

Once your dough is firm, slice the dough into biscuits, place on an oven tray and bake for around 15 minutes until they are golden brown.

They are the perfect go-to mid morning snack, especially with a cup of mint and fennel tea.

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