Thursday 22 August 2013


I love stuff for free, I mean who doesn't?! I especially love free food and that's why I love foraging so much. As a child I used to go blackberrying and scrimping on my own and with the grandparents. On my old walk back from college I often bought home apples and blackberries which meant only one thing for desert... Crumble. One of my favourites. Yum.

If you need any more inspiration for foraging I suggest watching this video:, The video gets across the pashion for wild food Robin
 has, I love Robin's blog, it had loads of great recipes for wild food and hints and tips about what
 to find at what type of year.

There's a local park near me which is fab for foraging so I set out with my equipment...

A good selection of plastic containers, set out and two hours later came back with this:

Blackberries in the top container, rosehips under that and raspberries at the front. I also found sloes, which
 are not ready yet and lots of new stinging nettle growth, I didn't bring any gloves with me so I couldn't pick them :(

 I made stinging nettle soup once and it was very tasty. I also read on Robin's blog nettles make very good pesto so I shall try that one day.

What is your favourite forage and the recipes which go with it?

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