Thursday 24 October 2013

Quiet time

The past couple of days, since Friday I suppose I have spent with my boyfriend. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 which I really enjoyed, went out for dinner twice, it has been lovely. We have had some pretty nasty weather too.

Just last night we had a very wild storm, thunder, lightning, winds, rain, the works.

Our veg man also delivered the first pumpkin of the season. Now I just need to work out what to do with it. Any ideas or favourite recipes?

I have also been churning out mini hats for the Big Knit.

Hopefully the weather is supposed to calm down this afternoon so I am hoping to go and pop them in the post.

The last photo is my first fair isle knit. I always thought colour work looked scary, but I have been watching a programme on the BBC iPlayer about the Scottish Islands. I love the history and the culture of them and would one day like to visit at least one of them for myself. 

In the one about Shetland and the surrounding islands, they had a brief section on Fair Isle and it's knitting heritage. There was a clip about it being passed down the generations and made me smile when it showed the grandmother knitting a jumper at a million miles an hour and the grand daughter with the extreme concentration of every stitch. 

They were also discussing they can knit a jumper in about ten hours which blew me away. So far it has taken me two weeks to knit a pair of socks. So I looked into the methods of fair isle knitting and discovered a few tricks along the way to help me knit faster. 

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