Wednesday 9 October 2013

New arrivals

I wanted this post to introduce our new feathery family members and be filled with lots of lovely pictures taken in lovely bright sunlight. But unfortunately, being Britain, the weather is never as we expected. Currently I am having to batten down the hatches as it feels like a storm is blowing in.

So for the time being, let me introduce Doris, Mabel and Unnamed Chicken. 

Unnamed Chicken will eventually have a name! Still trying to work one out for her.

They were delivered on Monday, where the lovely delivery driver sat up the coop for me, clipped the girls wings and gave me some basic care instructions. 

They are settling in nicely. No eggs yet. But the rabbits are still very confused by them.

When I first let the chickens out into the fenced area they were a bit flappy and tried to fly which completed freaked the rabbits out!

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