Monday 7 October 2013

Gratitude Sunday (on Monday)

I almost, almost didn't write a gratitude post. The last few days have been tough. My boyfriend has been very poorly with the flu and I have been staying up most of the night to make sure he is ok, and going to work during the day, feeling exhausted, coming home, cleaning up snotty tissues and icky bathrooms. I guess it is good practise for when we have children.

It was 1am when I started writing this post. 1 am being the third time I was awake that night already.

But I am very grateful for him, as he would do the same for me. 

So I decided to carry on. So here goes:

I am also grateful for ...

...the lovely weather we are having today. It meant I could get the emergency 3am bed change clean and dry in case it is needed again.

...My peas are doing so well, it's been a little warmer than normal at this time of year so they are speeding along. parents announcing the will be visiting next weekend to help me catch up with the diy I have been promosing I will do but doesn't seem to happen.

...waking up before the sunrise. Winter is on its way.

... Finding some pretty cool looking mushrooms (I did look these up and they are most definitely not safe to eat) 

Gratitude Sunday

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