Tuesday 30 July 2013

A story of a stool

When I visited France in April, when my blog went on hiatus. One of the many things we did was look in the antique shops. We found many beautiful items; but I was after one thing in particular. A stool for my spinning wheel. All the shops we looked in had nothing suitable.

It just so happened we were on our way back to the uk, we passed a tiny antique shop in a small village. I can't remember the name of it. We wasn't sure that it was open. So we stopped and poked our head round the door and the shop owner said he would open especially for us. 

His store was really something. It was dark and dingy and mostly filled with rusted farm equipment. But tucked away in a corner I spotted a small stool, we pulled it out and found a beautifully turned spinning wheel stool! The guy had forgotten he even had it and so I offered €10 for it and he accepted.

This is the stool before I had done any work on it. It was covered in a horrible varnish and I spent ages sanding it all off my hand. I then used some home made beeswax polish on it and gave it a good buff and it turned out lovely. I am still unsure what wood it is made from but it does look like oak.

The stool now sits pride of place behind my spinning wheel. I am so pleased with it.

Also, a bonus picture taken on the way home yesterday 

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