Sunday 12 January 2014

Been a bit poorly and Kale Crisps.

The past two weeks I have suffered a really heavy cold so that was no fun. The weather has been pretty dire too.

The rabbit house kept flooding so we bought them inside to be warm and dry.

Although the chickens managed to endure it ok.

Some very soggy chickens and a very muddy garden. Thankfully the weather has set to improve. The weather man said Wednesday was the first day; since the first of December where there wasn't a singleweather warning out. And my, what a beautiful day that was. Although I did spend most of the afternoon asleep, I felt poorly so I had an excuse.

Also on Wednesday I decided to make some kale crisps. I have seen these appearing in shops recently but I have made them in the past so I know just how yummy they are so I can strongly advise you to make some because they are not only tasty, they are very easy to make.

Kale Crisps

Preheat the oven to 170C.
Firstly you need to wash and dry your kale as it can be a little gritty.

Next you need to chop the tough stems out. I found the easiest way to do this is to fold the leaf in half and run a knife down it.

Next you want to tear it into bite sized chunks and add to a big bowl. 

Next add in around a tea spoon of olive oil per handful of leaves and a pinch or two of salt and shake it up! When everything in nicely coated lay it all out on a baking tray and try desperately hard to not over lap anything.

Bake for around 10-15 minutes until the edges are brown, yes even with purple kale!

And they should look something like this:


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