Monday 2 December 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Joining Taryn in this heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect and be grateful.

This week I have been grateful for

...The lovely few days of sunshine. Feels like were are still clinging onto summer and winter has not quite reached is. Apparently this month is going to get nasty.

...Some quiet time to catch up on my knitting. Still have a whole bunch of things to make for Xmas. 25 days and counting.

...Almost time to put the Xmas decorations up! Getting excited.

...My Mum still buying me an advent calender. Somethings you should never grow out of.

...The chickens finally eating their food. Had a few hiccups with them not eating and turned out no matter how hungry they got, they did not want to eat their feed. We bought a different one and been mixing it with cooked veg scrap and they are loving it now.

...The chickens are still laying! I read somewhere that this breed (gingernut rangers) was great layers. They are starting to look a bit scruffy so I think they are going to moult soon so that could be the end of the eggs until spring.

P.S I totally forgot to post this! I sat on the bus on the way to work and wrote this post but totally forgot to publish it! 

Gratitude Sunday

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