Tuesday 19 November 2013

Holidays are coming...

Isn't it weird that in the UK it is the middle of November and still warm? My plants do not seem to mind. But I am starting to feel rather festive. I saw a few Christmas adds. The perennial Cocoa-Cola add and also the Bear and the Hare from John Lewis. We have had one frost so far, it just seems mad.
I have just returned from a brief visit from the West Country. I spent a couple of days staying at my parents' house. It was lovely to see them, but the trip felt ever so short. I didn't take any photos because I was rushing around trying to fit visiting in to the five days I was there. Phew it was busy.

I also had took the weekend off to spend time with my other half, which was lovely. We had a nice walk to town, did a little shopping, went to the cinema to see the film Gravity. (If you get motion sickness I suggest you give it a miss, there is a lot of spinning camera angles!) and then we went for a meal. And had a nice walk back. 

Sunday was a bit more relaxed too, we only left the house to go and do the shopping. 

I began knitting yet another pair of socks. Using the same pattern as before but using noro wool.

I also felt like noodles for breakfast.

And baked more bread.

Hope you lovies are starting to feel the Christmas cheer


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