Wednesday 19 February 2014

Yarn along

Joining Ginny in sharing what we are reading and knitting/crocheting

After finishing my socks on Sunday I have started b my handbag kit I got from my parents for Christmas, I have already made one of these bags, in purple and I use it as my every day bag.

It works up surprisingly quickly. I am also reading Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Hayo Miyazaki. The film was based on the book of the same name. It has to be one of my favourite films and the manga follow the same story but goes into much more depth.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Finished another pair of socks!

Yay! These have taken me just over a month to finish and here they are in all their rainbow-y noro goodness!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Yarn along

Sharing what I am reading and knitting at the moment with Ginny from the small things.

It has taken me nearly a month to get these socks knitted! My my, but I did make decent progress since yesterday. I knitted the gusset and started work on the final length of the sock (the bit what holds your foot? Not sure what it's called)

At the moment I am reading the spring issue of landscape. As much as I love the magazine. It has me waiting for spring even more now. It has some great pictures of the obligatory baby animals and daffodils, some great desserty custardy recipes. Baked custard slices if definitely one I shall try. And also a super cute pattern for knitted lambs I shall have a go at once I have finished my socks. 

Another thing I took five minutes out to do was jazz up some hair ties. As a child of the 90s scrunchies were the thing, but they are impossible to find now! So I saw some really cute fuzzy ones on Pinterest but they were from Japan and it would have cost me a fortune to make, I saw a tutorial, (I would link it but I couldn't find it again) that uses snowflake wool, wrapped around plastic cross stich canvas. 

My creative brain started buzzing and I thought "I wonder what would happen if I crocheted some of it around a hair elastic?" So the end result is this:

Tuesday 11 February 2014

The weather

As many of you know the UK has been battered by storms and rain and wind. It's all starting to feel much like normal life and spring will never come. I also think the lack of sunshine is making me feel well a bit ugh I guess. There is so many things I should be doing (like writing my New Years Resolution update), but instead I have been snuggling up on the sofa watching tv and knitting. Nearly completed my noro socks now. 

I love the colours, lovely and cheery on these terrible winter storms. I just turned the heel yesterday so I am hoping I can get it done today, fueled by copious amounts if tea. 

This is the view from the living room window, with added rain too! Those eagle eyed of you may notice the neighbours are having their windows changed. What a time to have that done!

Just a quick note at the end; to all those living in the South West, my heart goes out to you. I spent my younger years growing up there, and whilst it flooded regularly, it was never to that scale. I hope for your sake, it will end soon. 

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